Amazing door handles

One way to add a little personality to your home is to change the door handles. These parts of the house are regularly overlooked and only replaced if absolutely necessary, with many people thinking, “It's just a doorknob.” This couldn't be further from the truth, here are some examples of cool and quirky door handles that can add some flair to any home.

Strange and weird door handles

If you're a fan of Greek mythology, this might sound familiar to you. This doorknob appears to represent Panetheus having his eyes pecked out by a bird as punishment from Zeus for giving humans the secret to making fire. It's definitely something that might make visitors think twice about their behavior in your home, if not a little scared!
Depending on the country and beliefs, each person chooses something to beautify the entrance to the house, such as ornaments and strange door handles, to ward off evil spirits, or to distinguish themselves.

Door handles

See more ideas about door handles, door knobs, knobs and knockers. ... Door handles aren't often the star attraction of design.


a handles

Amazing door handles

Awesome door handles

Awesome  handles

wondrous door handles

wondrous door handles

weird door handles

weird door handles

Fantastic weird door handles

A combination of artistic styles combined in the door handle

door handles Fabulous


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